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Ongoing Organ Bursary. Following initial success with the first scholar and reviewing costs, a second scholarship was added. Following the 2017 reunion and a generous donation, a third scholar has been added to the programme. The programme is a rolling ongoing one with new scholars being inducted as the older ones leave school. This is a tremendous programme and owes its inception to the idea and financial support of Charles Whitham, a former pupil of Lewes County Grammar School for Boys.
As an update to the above, the pandemic years brought the Organ Scholarships to a halt and in the immediate years thereafter, the school had other priorities. However, the Trustees are pleased to report that the scholarships have now been revived and the 1st new scholar had his 1st lesson in February 2024. The Head of Music at the school (also a Chapel Trustee) has another 2 potential candidates for the next 2 years. We really are most pleased that this scholarship programme has been revived and look forward to it continuing in the future (pandemics permitting).

Sept 2016 - Information boards commissioned and installed with
the official unveiling at the 3/11/16 Remembrance Day service.

Following the Building Survey carried out pre pandemic, approx. £150,000 of work was identified. Through the generosity of supporters donations to the Building Appeal launched in 2021, a series of the most immediate works were undertaken by the Trustees. Details of the works and photographs can be found by clicking the button below.
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The Chapel Trustees sought Junior Trustees from the Priory School pupils to foster involvement of current generations in the Chapel story and to seek the ideas of a younger generation. The Junior Trustees have the opportunity to see how the Trust works, to identify specific projects of their own (for which they have a modest budget if needed) and to work together to bring these to fruition. To date, the Junior Trustees have designed a Trust logo based on one of the stained glass windows in the Chapel, conducted video interviews with some of the Trustees (now available on this site) and are currently working on creation of a Chapel Display Board for the School, a Junior Trustees Notice Board for the School and also an article to be published in the Sussex Express newspaper. They are also hoping to set up a Facebook page for the Chapel during this academic year.

The Trust had started to support a number of awards both academic and sporting at the school but Covid disruption interrupted this. 2022 saw a new headmaster join the school and he has indicated he is going to re-instate the award of 4 Trophies that were formerly awarded at the Lewes County Grammar School for Boys. One of these, the Edgar Povey Trophy, was one of the Trophies that the Trust had been sponsoring already prior to Covid, thanks to the generous financial support of former Trustee, David Carter. A silver chalice with the names of the winners engraved is kept at Priory School. The award was originally endowed in the 1930's to be awarded for "Integrity and Honour" and will continue to be so awarded in future. The other 3 Trophies that the school intends to revive include The Barfoot Cup For Engineering, The Crisp Vase and The Ambition Cup. It is intended these will be awarded to former Year 11 students at their annual Award Ceremony which will take place at Lewes Town Hall each November.

Noted Lewes author and journalist and current Chapel Trustee, David Arnold has produced a new book bringing together all the historic material on the Chapel and updated it with new research into the lives the of some of the 55. This was a major work and having been launched in 2018 at the Lewes History Society, is still being promoted to new audiences to increase knowledge of the Chapel and the Trust.
Recently Completed Projects

The Trust awarded a contract for restoration of the bell to Nicholson Engineering, bell hangers of Bridport. Work commenced in July 2020 and was completed 11th August 2020. With the Covid restrictions, the annual Remembrance Day Service couldn't be held but the bell was rung 55 times on 11th November. Several people local to the area came and stood in social isolation and in silence. The event was filmed by BBC South East Today and broadcast at 6.30 p.m. on 11th November. It was particularly poignant as one of the major sponsors of the bell restoration, Ray Moore brother of Fred Moore one of the 55, was able to hear the bell tolling from his home in Cheshire by the use of mobile phone. The coverage by the BBC and in the Sussex Express was also transmitted to him.
Thanks must also go to Lewes Scaffolding Ltd who provided all necessary scaffolding.
As reported above the Building Appeal raised funds to allow the exterior of the building to be cleaned (summer 2022), the lobby floor has been carpeted (summer 2022) and the cork tiling to the chapel refurbished (summer 2022). Our thanks to Image Flooring Ltd, for the lobby flooring, S&P Flooring for the cork tile refurbishment and to Heritage Blast Cleaning Co for the external cleaning.
Further works have included the replacement of several interior doors and one exterior door and the stripping and re-staining of all exterior doors, along with refurbishment of the brass door furniture.
Further details can be found in Building Survey, above.