Whilst now known as the Lewes Priory School Memorial Chapel, at the outset it was conceived by and built for Lewes County Grammar School for Boys as its memorial chapel. The school name was changed in 1969 with the arrival of the comprehensive system to Priory School, Lewes.
The Chapel has its own Board of Trustees and is a registered charity. The Trustees role is to ensure the Trust's Vision is implemented, working in partnership with the Priory School Lewes Board of Governors. The Chapel is also a listed War Memorial.
For many years, the mainstay of support for the Chapel Trust has been the alumni association of the Lewes Grammar School for Boys – the Old Lewesians Organisation - and the Chapel Trust has a page on the OLO website devoted to its activities. However, with the youngest Old Lewesian now entering a 6th decade the Chapel Trust has reviewed its activities and renewed its Vision and Strategy to ensure the memory of those who died and the legacy the Chapel provides are not lost.
These pages are the remarkable story of The Chapel, the lives that inspired it, the characters that built it, its role as a War Memorial, its role within the Priory School and the wider community of Lewes and beyond.